Intel Core 2 Duo E6750 2 66ghz

Intel Core 2 Duo E6750 2 66ghz

  1. right is the Intel Core 2 Duo E6750 2.66Ghz LGA775 worth and upgrade from my current cpu?? and what oc'south will i see , it will be used on a nforce mother board posibly 780i chip??
  2. DSK Banned

    Likes Received:
    yeh alot quicker than all the AMD 64s and you could be seeing 3.4-iii.8ghz depending on the cooler.
  3. or is the intel core two E7400 2.viii ameliorate
  4. GeoD Maha Guru

    Likes Received:
    the 6750 has 4mb cache and is 65nm 1333FSB, while the e7400 is 3mb and is 45nm 1066FSB. it is a hard phone call to make, but my gut would be that the 7400 would exist ameliorate because yous could oc it higher. plus here is a comparison between the cpu's at stock (its a 7200 which notwithstanding seems to exist roughly on par with the 6750) :,803.html?prod[2189]=on&prod[2197]=on

    for some reason it seems that y'all have to copy/paste the concluding bit of the accost into your address bar to go the link....

    Final edited: Jan 24, 2009

  5. god confusing right i have seen some oc's on the 6750 and it apears to OC higer than the 7400 but i dont know lol thats just what i accept seen and carnt find out what people take managed to OC to realy anoying lol the site i would go from they 6750 is £ane more than the 7400 merely i carnt observe much info on the 7400 but i have seen people go the 6750 to 3.6ghz dam im realy dislocated whatsoever 1 else got an opinion

    Price carnt go over £100 including vat

    correct the 6740 can get to 3.8ghz max and the 7400 can get to four.5ghz max and the 7400 is cheeper so looks like the meliorate pick as some people car comparing it to the e8400.

    still would like your views

    Last edited: Jan 24, 2009
  6. Foes Ancient Guru

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    My E7200 (2.5) easy OC to 3.iv, but beyond that will accept some fourth dimension messing with the Volts. Just thats just my CPU, another 7200 might easily handle 3.8. So an E7400 stock 2.8 im sure would easily OC to
  7. kwl some i get theres to four.2ghz on air i would merely go for similar idk 3.5ghz cart be botherd seeing as thogh it will be so much faster than my cpu any style.

    lol the Discussion record for the cpu is 5.6ghz on ss phase cooling now thats a hell of an oc i think i volition go for it when i get the funds

    Final edited: Jan 24, 2009
  8. otaku Ancient Guru

    Likes Received:
    i would go with the E6750
  9. Hard phone call really... I would say go with a e8500, merely since yous said your limited to around 100£... E7400 or E6750.. well I have gotten my E6750 to kicking at 3.7 ghz but information technology was real flakey, and randomly wouldn't kicking etc, now It sits on three.6 and is rocksolid, might be my chip, but most e6750 seems to sit between 3.4 and 3.half dozen ghz, though I take seen ppl managing four.1 ghz on it on water, it is a 65nm then information technology gets pritty heated chop-chop, zero over the top but still 5-7 degrees to a higher place the 45 nm is probably a reasonable diffrence.


    Might add I'm using a Thermalright 120 copper, and my temps are around 34-37 degrees when idling and ingames around 45-l degrees.

    /edit2, I have my cpu at i.464 volts atm, wich is over the meridian only temps dont bother me and I don't wanna waste product whatever time going lower when I don't have to.

    Last edited: Jan 24, 2009
  10. ok kwl to exist honest im just going to go with the 7400 people say its a good flake and oc's verry well plus its £5 cheeper from some places than the 6750 :) cheers for the communication realy apreciated.

  11. otaku Aboriginal Guru

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    are you sure your lath supports the smaler fab fries?. i dont know how old your board is only mine doesnt.

    never mind re read your first post

  12. ya it would exist a good upgrade. and aye the chip oc's well. I got an e6750 and i have it running @ 3.5 on air on an evga 780i mobo

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Intel Core 2 Duo E6750 2 66ghz

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